About CID Lab

The CID Lab Focuses on Construction Integration and Digitalization Research to improve construction performance through process and stakeholder integration.

In 2024…

The CID Lab Focuses on Construction Integration and Digitalization Research to improve construction performance through process and stakeholder integration.


Our research has been featured many times, most recently on 2024.

International Undergraduate Student Research Award 2024

Third-year civil engineering student Ruizhi (Wise) Chen received the IUSRA award with $10,000 for his project. He is planning to create a framework that can help the designer intuitively check on the environmental impacts of their choices.
Wise will be working alongside Assistant Professor Qian Chen in 2024 summer. This multi-disciplinary project covered 3D modelling, visual reality, computer science, and engineering design.

CID paper nominated for Best Paper in CONVR 2022

A conference paper written by Kantheepan et al. titled ‘ Exploring AR-Based Solutions to Engage Local Workforce in Prefabricated Construction’ gets nominated as one of the best papers in CONVR 2022 (22nd International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality).