
Conference Papers

Using BIM to Facilitate Generative Target Value Design for Energy Efficient Buildings

Bhilare Saurav, Rangnekar Salonee, Khatri Diya, Yogeeswaran Kantheepan and Chen Qian
40th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2023)

BIM-based generative design processes for targeted value design of low-carbon buildings

Bhilare Saurav, Rangnekar Salonee, Khatri Diya, Yogeeswaran Kantheepan , Chen Qian and Ji Wenying
CSEC Annual Conference 2023 – Moncton NB

Exploring AR-Based Solutions to Encage Local Workforce in Prefabricated Construction

Kantheepan Yogeeswaran, Qian Chen and Borja García de Soto
22nd International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR2022)

Journal Papers